The U.S. labor shortage is reaching a critical point Talent 46% state difficult to find the talent they need Skills that are difficult to find Hard skills – trade jobs, logistic drivers, sales representatives Soft skills – written and verbal communication How are companies dealing with lack of talent? Investing in training and development Relaxing standards – What can you do in the future? Buying talent – benefits and wages Borrowing talent – Free lancers, independent consultants, temporary employees Cox, Jeff. “The U.S. Labor Shortage Is Reaching a Critical Point.” CNBC, CNBC, 5 July 2018,
Making Sense of Data Areas that use Big Data Preparing our students for their future What are companies saying? Areas that use Big Data technology, finance, marketing, human resources, sales, customer service Poor data literacy within their companies Increased automation Different tools, but the process is the same Employees need basics statistics Asking the right questions Understand the data Bradford, Laurence. “Why All Employees Need Data Skills In 2019 (And Beyond).” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 12 Oct. 2018,
Making Sense of Data What does this look like in the K-12 classroom? Elementary Grades – Understanding numbers How do we “teach” our students to think about data and know what questions to ask.”
Making Sense of Data What does this look like in the K-12 classroom? Middle School – Understanding patterns and trends
Making Sense of Data What does this look like in the K-12 classroom? High School – Putting it all together
Projections of Fasted Growing Occupations, 2016–26 “Projections of Occupational Employment, 2016–26 : Career Outlook.” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,