7th Grade Honors Language Arts Mr. Gentry I. TEXTBOOKS: Selected Novels Authentic texts Prentice Hall Newspaper Articles Magazine Articles Websites Etc. II. NOVELS: Four themes will be developed through driving questions, core novels/authentic texts, guided reading, independent reading, research, PBL’s (Project-Based Learning), writing, and vocabulary. III. Grade 7 – Themes Adapting to Change Bravery Growing Pains Do You See What I See? IV. Suggested Materials: Students will need one of the following: Two 200 page spiral notebooks with pocket folders One 200 page spiral notebook with pocket folders AND one section in a multi-subject binder with pocketed sections V. Expectations: Always be polite! Extend courtesies to teachers and students. No “putdowns”! We all make mistakes; education is a learning experience. The teachers dismisses the class; the bell does not. Ask, if you do not understand something. Take responsibility for making up work after an absence. The teacher’s desk is private. If the teacher is called on the intercom, only the teacher answers. Be enthusiastic; never settle for less than your best effort. Behave appropriately for each activity whether it be teacher-directed instruction, group work, independent work, etc. Follow correct classroom procedures
VI. A. ASSIGNMENTS and HOMEWORK: Whether a writing or a reading assignment, homework is due for the assigned day. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to contact a friend or study buddy to obtain missed assignments that are to be turned in the following day. For every three missed homework assignments, your grade will be lowered one letter grade. B. TESTS and EVALUATIONS: All major tests will be announced several days in advance. However, surprise quizzes may be expected occasionally. Any missed test should be made up as soon as possible to avoid averaging a zero with the existing marking period grades. Assessment is on-going and will include selected written assignments as well as homework grades. C. GRADE: Expect fairness in regards to grading. BACK TO SCHOOL