ABSTINENCE Postponing (waiting for) sexual intercourse until you grow up, fall in love, and form a long-term faithful, loving relationship such as marriage. Conscious decision not to participate in sexual activity and the skills to support that decision. Abstinence is a responsible, healthy choice.
ABSTINENCE ONLY 100% Effective Method Advantages: No Pregnancy Very Low Risk of Diseases Able to focus on school, extracurricular activities Accomplishing what you want Low Chance of Poverty Less Drama
Reasons to Wait Frees both people from guilt Fits with personal values and standards Preserves people’s health Considers people’s emotional well-being Postpones pregnancy until people are ready for the responsibility Encourages people to fulfill future goals Gives you more control of your life 4
ABSTINENCE 53% of students in grades 9-12 in 2007 reported that they never had sex. (54% teenage girls, 52% teenage boys) 57% Teenagers Abstain from Sex in Washoe County
ABSTINENCE Things That Will Influence You Peer Pressure Alcohol & other drugs Hormones Media Low Self-Esteem Giving In Not To Lose Boy/Girl Friend Revenge or Getting Away (Parents/Friends) Giving into “I LOVE YOU!!”
ABSTINENCE-Alcohol 1 in 7-16 to 24 yr olds have had unprotected sex 1 in 5 have had sex that they regretted 1 in 10 have been unable to remember if they had sex the night before. TALK ABOUT DECISION MAKING WHILE YOU ARE SOBER!
Saying “NO” You have the right to say NO Others may not understand, but it is not your job to convince others that you are right You do not have to have excuses, which can lead to arguments You do not have to apologize
How to Say NO Look partner straight in the eye Keep voice steady Make sure partner knows you are serious A smile may indicate yes, even if you say no Change the subject or activity If these do not help, get out of the situation ASAP! 9
Form a Plan of Action Other people will have their own values Communicating your values with your partner is helpful in reducing the chances of one partner pressuring the other partner However, you should.... Prepare a plan before difficult situations occur Then you will know what to do to get out of the situation safely Practice what you would say if someone tries to pressure you 10