Immediate Causes of WWII The Failure of the League of Nations & The Policy of Appeasement
The League of Nations The League of Nations was created after WWI to stop aggressor countries from attacking other countries Trade boycott (refusing to trade with aggressor country) Combined force of member countries Most powerful members were Great Britain and France The USA never joined As Prime Minister of Great Britain (the Leagues most powerful member) Neville Chamberlain was regarded as an important leader Although it had some early success, it ultimately failed to prevent WWII
The Failure of the League of Nations Example of Failure Action of League of Nations Invasion of Manchuria 1931 Japan (Triple Entente ally in WWI) was a rapidly developing nation in the 1920s Needed resources to supply industrial growth 1931- Japan invades Chinese province of Manchuria – brutally oppresses the local Chinese population Nothing Members are mired in deep recession and fear a costly war China too far away – League members do not care about the Chinese
Map showing the extent of Japanese control in 1940.
Failure of League Action of League of Nations 1935 – Italy invades Ethiopia (Abyssinia) Action of League of Nations Italy was an ally of Triple Entente in WWI Promised territory – expected more from Treaty of Versailles Benito Mussolini – fascists dictator – comes to power in 1922 1935 Italy invades Ethiopia League does nothing – fear sparking another war P.M. King – refused trade sanctions against Italy
Policy of Appeasement To appease – to yield or concede to the belligerent demands of (a nation, group, person, etc.) in a conciliatory effort During the 1930s Adolf Hitler watched as the League of Nations failed to oppose aggressor countries Emboldened, he too tested the Leagues will – the result: World War II
The Policy of Appeasement: The Road to War Hitler’s Action Reaction of Chamberlain and League of Nations 1936 Remilitarization of the Rhineland Hitler orders German troops to enter the Rhineland Orders them to withdraw if they meet any resistance (no ammunition in weapons!) Hitler gambles that League of Nations will not resist Nothing! British reason that Hitler is merely “walking into his own backyard”
These troops did not have ammunition in their weapons These troops did not have ammunition in their weapons. Hitler did not want to risk a military confrontation that he could not yet win.
Action: Label and shade Germany, Label and shade Rhineland and the Saar region Label Hungary, France, Belgium ,Netherlands, Switzerland (CH)
The Policy of Appeasement: The Road to War Hitler’s Action Reaction of Chamberlain and League of Nations 1938 Hitler takes over Austria – unite all German speaking people (Anschluss) 1938 – Hitler takes over the Sudetenland – German region of Czechoslovakia 1938 – Hitler takes over all of Czechoslovakia Nothing Fooled by Hitler’s assurance he would want no more territory Agreed to turn over German part of Sudetenland Hitler wants all or else war – Chamberlain gives in League does nothing – Hitler promises no further aggression Chamberlain negotiates peace treaty with Hitler – claims he has achieved “peace for our time”
Hitler’s annexation of Austria
Hitler’s Annexation of Austria
Action: Label and shade Austria, Sudetenland & Czechoslovakia
These are not tears of joy! Chamberlain shaking Hitler’s hand
“Peace in our time…Peace with Honour”
The Policy of Appeasement: The Road to War Hitler’s Action Reaction of Chamberlain and League of Nations September 1, 1939 – Hitler invades Poland – World War II has begun Finally Britain and France declare war on Germany – but now it is too late – Germany has a large fully equipped army Unfortunately for Poland this results in virtually no help
Action Label and shade Poland