- Potential and Kinetic Energy exist in many forms. Forms of Energy - Potential and Kinetic Energy exist in many forms.
Mechanical Energy Energy in which objects are moving and perform work Ex. Hammering a nail. Ex. Pushing a car.
Sound Energy Energy that produces sound waves and may be heard. Ex. Music Ex. Crash
Chemical Energy Energy is stored in the bonds of substances. When burned, this energy is released. Ex. Gasoline Ex. Candle
Nuclear Energy Energy is stored in the nucleus of an atom and released when they break apart. Ex. Nuclear Bomb
Heat Energy Energy caused by molecules rubbing together. Ex. Rubbing hands together Ex. Burning Fuel Ex. Toaster
Electric Energy Energy Produced by the flow of electrons through a wire. Ex. Computer A generator can produce electrical energy.
Light Energy Energy in the form of waves from radiating light. Ex. Using a magnifying glass to burn a hole in a leaf. Ex. Lamp
Conservation of Energy Energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be transferred from one form to another. The amount of energy in the universe never changes.