US Imperialism in the Early 1900s US History Mrs. Housenick 10/31/12
The US Takes Hawaii By 1800s, many white Americans living in Hawaii Shippers use it as waystation White sugar plantation owners Missionaries Whites begin taking more and more control on island. 1891: Queen Liliuokalani came to power and tried to restore Hawaiian control of the island.
US Takes Hawaii Ctnd. 1893: The white planters, aided by US troops, organized a successful revolt against the queen. The then president Cleveland refused to annex Hawaii (make it a state) because he believed US actions there were wrong. However, after the Spanish-American War, the US annexed Hawaii. Many Hawaiians resented the U.S.
Roosevelt’s “Big Stick” Policy (1900-1908) Wanted greater US involvement in world affairs. Advocated for peaceful relations, but wanted a strong American presence in other countries to ensure US wealth and power. America as world policeman “Speak softly and carry a big stick”
The Roosevelt Corollary Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine (1900): US can act as an international police power in Latin America. Used to justify intervention in Dominican Republic, Panama, Cuba, Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico and Haiti.
China and the Open Door Policy The US wanted trade access in China, worried Europe was controlling trade there. Promoted the Open Door Policy—urged European nations to allow free trade in China. Many in Chinese resented constant foreign presence. Lead to Boxer Rebellion--Chinese rebels against foreign involvement fought against US intervention Roosevelt sent troops to suppress the Chinese Boxers
Taft’s “Dollar Diplomacy” (1909) Encouraged US to invest in foreign relations Dollars, not bullets, would advance US authority and ensure stability. US should establish businesses and trade in Latin America as a way to exert control
Wilson’s “Moral Diplomacy” (1912) Emphasized American ideals like democracy, believed America should help spread those ideals. Caused US to meddle in affairs in Latin America (especially Mexico) and Asia. US kept getting involved in Mexican politics so we could “teach Mexico to pick good leaders”