By the end of this lesson I: Will have read chapters 4 and 5 Will have explored the characters of Mollie and Boxer in more detail Will have created an animal persona for a real life politician. Big Picture Together we will read two more chapters and use creative approached to explore the key characters in the novel.
Reading Chapter 4
Hot seating It is the evening of the day on which the Battle of the Cowshed took place. The following animals are here to be interviewed: Napoleon Snowball Mollie Boxer Think of some key questions to ask them at this point in the revolution. Then we shall put them in the hot seats!
Reading Chapter 5
Choose a leader Napoleon for leader! Snowball for leader! Thinking about what we have read so far. Note down qualities and actions which make each of these characters good leaders. Napoleon for leader! Snowball for leader! Now read chapter 5. Anything to add…or remove?
Modern political leaders Choose one of the following leaders. Turn them into an animal. Explain why you have chosen this animal. David Camron Barrack Obama Boris Johnson Nick Clegg The Queen Prince Charles You may choose your own, though it has to be a modern / current leader
Homelearning Write a speech for your animal leader in which they try to persuade people to follow them/ their ideas. Use persuasive techniques such as the ones you identified in the Major’s speech: Rhetorical questions Second person pronouns Repetition Lists of three