Comp 2, LAP 3, Day 3 Grammar lessons Internet Evaluation review
Homework Keep working on finding a source. Internet evaluation form is due by 3pm on Day 5 via Google Docs or e-mail attachment. Open Lab: Grammar Open Lab is due G day, 11/26
Pronouns Pronouns MUST agree with their antecedents in both type and number. Antecedent: the word a pronoun refers back to. Julia closed her eyes. She was so sleepy. The students watched the movie as they filled out the worksheet.
Pronouns and Antecedents Watch for singular words after with “each,” “every,” “either,” or “neither;” these are singular and need singular pronouns. 1. Each student should bring ____ backpack. A. he/ she B. him/her C. his/her D. they E. them F. their 2. Neither Libby nor Olivia wanted ____ picture taken. A. she b. her c. they d. them e. their
Pronouns and Antecedents 3. Both of the students were excited when ____won the prize. A. she b. her c. they d. them e. their 4. Ex. Either the students or the teachers will win the trophy during ____ volleyball game. A. his/her B. their
Words to watch for… 5. Any word ending in “one” or “body” is singular. Ex. Someone left ____ backpack in the cafeteria. A. his/her B. their
Sentence Problems Every sentence has to have a subject, a verb, and express a complete thought– if not, it’s a fragment. Ex. Because I got an A on the test. Ex. I passed Mrs. Teague’s test.
Punctuation There are many ways to join two independent clauses: Semicolons Periods Commas with coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or, for, nor, yet, and so) And dashes and colons under certain circumstances.
Run-ons Two or more sentences joined without adequate punctuation or a connecting word. Ex. I thought the ride would never end my eyes were crossed, and my fingers were numb.
Sentence Problems– comma splice You cannot join a sentence with just a comma, though, or it’s a comma splice.
Fix the sentences I woke up early this morning, I walked the dog. IWA had a play last month, that was fun. We learned about comma splices today in class, which I’ll have to avoid in my papers.
Rambling Sentences Seems to go on and on in a monotonous fashion (often because of too many “and’s”). Remove some of the “and’s,” fix the punctuation, and reword different parts of the sentence. Ex. The intruder entered through the window and tiptoed down the hall and stood under the stairwell and waited in the shadows.
Website Evaluation