The 6 Traits of Writing An Introduction
The 6 Traits of Writing Have you heard about the 6 Traits of Writing before? Talk with a partner about what you know.
6+ 1 Traits of Writing The 6 + 1Traits Ideas Organization Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions Presentation
6 + 1Traits of Writing Is a model used to evaluate writing. Each trait looks at a different skill.
Focus on: Ideas and Organization For our first assignment, I will be looking at your ideas and organization.
Ideas Ideas: The “heart” of the message is clear and engaging Details enrich and develop theme The message is clear
Organization Organization: Do you have an introduction, middle and a conclusion? Is your paragraph easy to understand and follow? Do you use transition words to connect ideas?
Ms. McCann’s Pet Peeves 1. No contractions 2. No personal pronouns 3. No slang/texting abbreviations 4. Don’t talk to the reader 5. Watch easily confused words
1. No Contractions In formal writing you do not use contractions Ex. Won’t = will not Doesn’t = does not Can’t = cannot
2. No Personal Pronouns In formal writing you do not use personal pronouns Ex. I, me, we, you Instead, write in the third person – I already know it is your idea!
3. No Slang or Texting Abbreviations In formal writing you must use proper English. Ex. Gonna = going to Wanna = want to Cuz = because Gr8 = great
4. Don’t Talk to the Reader In formal writing you never address the reader as “you”. This makes it informal.
Don’t talk to the reader! You should be honest. How would you feel if someone lied to you? Be honest! No- one likes to be lied to.
5. Watch easily confused words Some words are easily confused. You need to learn the difference! Ex. There vs. Their vs. They’re Then vs. Than To vs. Too vs. Two