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Title of notes: Percent, Fraction, Decimal conversions pg Title of notes: Percent, Fraction, Decimal conversions pg. 44, 45, & 46 RS
Percentages A percentage is just a special type of fraction. 1% 1 part per hundred means 100 1 0.01 or = Explain the meaning of 1% with reference to fractions and decimals. We can work out 1% of something by dividing it by 100.
Percentages A percentage is just a special type of fraction. 25% 25 parts per hundred means 100 25 4 1 0.25 or = = Explain the meaning of 25% with reference to fractions and decimals. We can work out 25% of something by dividing it by 4.
Examples %, fraction, and decimal conversions pg. 44 & 45 LS
Example 1: Convert the decimal 0.875 to a percent 87.5%
Example 2: Convert 3.5% to a decimal 0.035
Example 3: Convert to a decimal 0.6
Convert the decimal 0.65 to a fraction in its lowest terms Example 4: Convert the decimal 0.65 to a fraction in its lowest terms
Convert the decimal 0.125 to a fraction in its lowest terms Example 5: Convert the decimal 0.125 to a fraction in its lowest terms
Example 6: Express as a percent 62.5%
Example 7: Express 5% as a fraction
Video Fraction to decimals