Learning About HWB Skills Lesson 1 EARLSTON HIGH SCHOOL Faculty of Health and Wellbeing
Today’s Lesson: Will help us understand what HWB ‘skills’ are. Will demonstrate how HWB skills might be used in certain subject areas Will allow you to consider which HWB skills you are confident in using. Success Criteria: I can identify what HWB skills are. I can understand how I might use a variety of HWB skills in my learning. I will be able to apply this understanding of HWB skills to consider which HWB skills I am confident in using. Resources: jotter or paper
Now lets try to brainstorm and add as many other HWB skills as we can… What are some HWB skills? Developing confidence Communicating Effectively Showing Resilience Working in a Team Now lets try to brainstorm and add as many other HWB skills as we can…
What are some HWB skills? Developing self awareness Learning new ideas with confidence Showing positive body language Showing the ability to talk to others in a calm manner
Avoiding distractions Showing that you can meet a challenge Some more HWB skills! Avoiding distractions Showing that you can meet a challenge Admitting you made a mistake but setting out how you will put it right Learning to present yourself in the best possible light
Wow-there are lots of HWB Skills!! Adopting a positive mindset-what is this!? Coping with failure Accepting criticism Dealing with responsibility effectively
How might you use HWB skills within a lesson? Geography- work effectively as part of a research team Listen to understand instructions. Observe to reinforce your understanding Communicate effectively to give/receive feedback. Present your project to show what you have presented is accurate
Recording Information As you saw, while learning you are likely to use a number of different HWB skills to achieve the success criteria! Think about the skills you have used during this lesson. Which ones are HWB skills? Reading Recording Information Communicating Listening
Task 1: Which HWB skills do you feel most confident in using? Discuss with a partner 3 or 4 which you use regularly in your learning. Task 2: Complete your own flowchart showing the HWB skills you have used in a lesson this week. Task 3 Choose one of those HWB skills and draw a mini mind map detailing which subjects you often use this skill in.
Task 4 : Walk About Talk About Around the room there are 8 faculty stations. In your groups you will be permitted to spend 2 minutes at each faculty station. You must discuss with your group which HWB skills you use when you visit this faculty and give an example. Write each skill and example of evidence on a post note, before attaching it to the skills board. Do not replicate what another group have already added to each board – the idea is to come up with as many HWB skills as possible! Your teacher will time you and you will not be permitted any extra time – Good luck!
Task 4: Your HWB Skills Now choose a faculty area, e.g. Social Subjects and create a mind map showing HWB skills you use regularly in this area. Give specific examples of when you have used this skill as evidence