Fill in the blanks for the chain of infection Agent _______ Portal of exit _________ Portal of entry Write the steps on your paper
Create flashcards for the 6 definitions of the chain of infection REVIEW Create flashcards for the 6 definitions of the chain of infection
Types of infection Endogenous- originates from inside the body (tumors, metabolic disorders (diabetes, cancer, etc) Endo- = inside -gen- = beginning/origination Exogenous – originates from outside the body (pathogens invade the body (strep throat)) Exo- = outside (exit to the outside) Nosocomial (HAI- Healthcare Associated infection) (get while in a healthcare setting (staph, c.diff, etc) Opportunistic – get with a weakened immune system (cancer patient gets a cold)
Match the type of infection to the example D. Cancer or diabetes B. Staph infection (MRSA) A. Getting a Cold after getting chemotherapy C. Strep throat Endogenous Exogenous Nosocomial (HAI) opportunistic
HANDWASHING IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE METHOD OF INFECTION PREVENTON Bloodborne pathogen standard – est by osha in 1991 to break the chain of infection Requires HCF (health care facilities) and employers to: Provide hbv vaccine free of charge; employee must sign refusal form if refuses Have a written exposure plan Provide ppe (Personal protective equipment) Provide adequate handwashing stations Enforce rules of no eating, drinking, smoking, applying cosmetics or lip balm, handling contact lenses in areas where contamination might occur (contact with blood or body fluids) Post biohazard signs Provide adequate sharps containers Provide confidential health evaluation if employee is exposed HANDWASHING IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE METHOD OF INFECTION PREVENTON
Write the questions and answers on your paper Which bbp has a vaccination? Does an employer have to offer a HBV vaccination? Does an employee have to receive a HBV vaccination? What is PPE and why is it needed? Is it okay for a nurse to drink coffee in a surgical unit? Is it okay to apply chapstick while in a patient’s room? Why are multiple handwashing stations mandatory?
Needlestick Safety & Prevention act – revised in 2001 by osha due to 600,000-800,000 accidental needle-sticks each year Needles must never be reused Needles shouldn’t be bent or broken after use Never recap a needle Needles should be disposed of in sharps container, “red box”, or “sharps box” All sharp objects including scissors must be disposed of in the sharps container Sharps container should never be emptied (must be disposed of meeting legal requirements- most often- melted) Sharps containers must have a red biohazard sign If a needlestick does occur, employee must first wash hands with soap and water, report incident to supervisor (will be written in injury log), and then must be evaluated for BBP
List the (8) rules of needlestick safety on your paper:
HANDWASHING IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE METHOD OF INFECTION PREVENTION Standard precautions Must always be followed on all patients- can be added to but not taken away Wash hands Wear ppe as necessary HANDWASHING IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE METHOD OF INFECTION PREVENTION Apply ppe Remove ppe Start low and go up Gown Mask Goggles gloves Gloves first, last mask Gloves Goggles Gown mask
Divide your paper in half. On the left side, list how to apply ppe Divide your paper in half. On the left side, list how to apply ppe. On the right side, list how to remove ppe.
Why are gloves removed first???