Compelling Case Slides Created by Mike Mattos Please use for only personal use--do not post on web.
Poverty… -- Dropouts on average earn about $12,000 per year, nearly 50 percent less than those who have a high school diploma -- 50 percent less likely to have a job that offers a pension plan or health insurance -- They are more likely to experience health problems --Rouse/Muenning, 2005:
Incarceration Across the United States, 82% of prison inmates are dropouts Ysseldyke, Algozzine, & Thurlow 1992
Incarceration According to the report, Literacy Behind Prison Walls, 70 percent of all prison inmates are functionally illiterate or read below a fourth-grade level.
Incarceration 85% of juvenile offenders have reading problems
Social Costs 75% of those claiming welfare are functionally illiterate
Social Costs One study conducted by a University of California, Berkeley economist found that a 10 percent increase in the graduation rate would likely reduce the murder and assault arrest rates by about 20 percent Moretti, 2005:
Social Costs The same study found that increasing the high school completion rate by just one percent for men ages 20-60 would save the United States up to $1.4 billion per year in reduced costs from crime. Moretti, 2005:
Education and Lifelong Earning: High School Drop Out: $608,000 High School Graduate: $802,000 Some College: $922,890 Associate Degree: $1,062,130 Bachelors Degree: $1,420,850 Masters Degree: $2,142,440 Doctorate: $3,012,300 James Waller, Face to Face: The Changing State of Racism Across America