Mrs. Ceralde’s Class
Intro to 5th Grade Reading 5 total modules - each module will have: Content framing question Focus question Essential question Vocab - add to tree each week
Be Kind Classmates Teachers Yourself
Be Respectful Hallway etiquette (Level 0) Classroom School Classmates Teachers
Be Responsible Be prepared Homework policy Your own personal belongings Timeliness
Be the BEST You Sit like a STAR Make good choices Follow classroom and school rules Get enough sleep Eat healthy Be proud
Student Expectation Agreement Due by end of week If it is not returned we will have to contact your parent or guardian
Incentives - Team Points 100 points by Friday = Donut Day 500 points = Pizza and Movie Party
Incentives - Individual Homework pass Visit a teacher pass Bring a friend to Reading Corner Cafe Lunch with Mrs. Ceralde Order out day
Remove team points (i.e. Anything that distracts others from learning) Reflection form (i.e. repeated distractions from keeping others from learning) Contact parent/guardian (i.e. when a reflection form has to be completed) Severe consequence = Climate control (i.e. extreme behavior) Cell phones will be confiscated and returned at end of day. Consequences
A little bit about Mrs. Ceralde What you need to know about me! I grew up on a farm and I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters I am married and have two sons I graduated from the University of Phoenix I student taught in Philadelphia I coach and judge gymnastics I am excited to get to know each and every one of you!