WHAT’S THE SAME? WHAT’S DIFFERENT? The SAT & ACT are both standardized college entrance exams administered throughout the school year. They both test substantially the same skills and content. WHAT’S THE SAME? Colleges accept both equally. WHAT’S DIFFERENT? Students can score better on one or the other, despite the major similarities between the two tests.
READING WHAT’S THE SAME? WHAT’S DIFFERENT? Both test passage-based reading skills. Vocabulary is less important than ever. WHAT’S DIFFERENT? The ACT tests advanced graphical literacy through the Science section, while the SAT includes less complex graphs and tables throughout all sections.
GRAMMAR WHAT’S THE SAME? WHAT’S DIFFERENT? The ACT English and SAT Writing sections test conventions of standard written English. WHAT’S DIFFERENT? Hardly anything, unless you count the SAT graphs.
MATH WHAT’S THE SAME? WHAT’S DIFFERENT? Both test an array of concepts from arithmetic, algebra, statistics, geometry, and trigonometry. Problem solving and conceptual understanding matter most. WHAT’S DIFFERENT? The SAT includes a No-Calculator section. Each test emphasizes different topics at the upper range of difficulty.
ESSAY WHAT’S THE SAME? WHAT’S DIFFERENT? Each test provides a timed assignment graded on different aspects of writing and analysis. WHAT’S DIFFERENT? The ACT essay is persuasive, while the SAT essay is analytical in nature.
SCORING WHAT’S THE SAME? WHAT’S DIFFERENT? Both calculate raw scores, which are converted to scaled scores based on the testing population. No penalties for wrong answers on either test! WHAT’S DIFFERENT? Each test uses a different scale for scores. Colleges may consider superscores for one or both tests.
SCORE POLICIES ALL SCORES REQUIRED FOR REVIEW SCORE CHOICE SUPERSCORE Only send the SAT or ACT scores you want schools to see. Send by test date, not by section. SUPERSCORE Best E + M + R + S Best EBRW + M
HOW DO YOU CHOOSE? More emphasis on reading speed, science reasoning, and graphical literacy. Reading contributes more than 50% to total score. More emphasis on mental math and problem solving, and critical reasoning. Math contributes 50% to total score.
College admissions College scholarship College choice NCAA eligibility
WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT THEM? Commit to the form of test preparation that works best for you. Arrive ready to earn your best scores when it counts! Take the highest quality practice tests you can, and learn from each one.
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