The New Deal
Hard Times “ I can remember the first week of the CWA checks. It was on a Friday. That night everybody had gotten his check. The first check a lot of them had in three years. . . . I never saw such a change of attitude. Instead of walking around feeling dreary and looking sorrowful, everybody was joyous. Like a feast day. They were toasting each other. They had money in their pockets for the first time.”
FDR Elected 1932 Franklin Delano Roosevelt becomes president Democrats also take Congress Surrounds himself with a “brain trust” Plans for 4 months before taking office Promises a “New Deal” for America First Hundred Days passes 15 major legislations Starts expanding governments role in the economy
Bank Reform Everyone still taking $$ out of banks FDR closes all banks Banks quickly closing FDR closes all banks Bank Relief Act passed to inspect all banks Only good ones can reopen Fireside chats to reassure people Glass-Steagal Act establishes FDIC (up to $5,000) Federal Securities Act makes corporations report legitimate numbers Avoid another stock market crash Repeals Prohibition and taxes alcohol
Relief for Americans Help for Farmers: Help for workers Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) paid farmers to plow over fields and slaughter pigs Less crops/animals = higher prices Help for workers Civilian Conservation Corps Plant trees, dig roads Paid $30 a month; $25 sent home Civil Works Administration Public work projects built schools, roads, paid rural teachers 4 million immediate jobs made available
The Supreme Court FDR wins reelection in 1936 Feels America loves all of his ideas FDR has several big New Deal programs defeated Proposes bill: I add a new judge for every judge over 70 years old He’d add 6 judges Huge public outcry