Today’s Schedule When: Advantage/Disadvantage Lesson Goals: Determine target audience for film trailers and when trailers are shown Minds On When: Advantage/Disadvantage Action Film Ratings: Guess the Rating Who Common Target Audiences Consolidate Exit Card: Discussion
Film Ratings
Guess the Rating n+You+Guess+the+Movie+Rating Number your “quiz” from 1-20 on a lined sheet of paper Score is out of 20!
Note: Who are trailers aimed at? Trailers are generally aimed at the same audience as the films they publicize Different types of people like different types of films Although people are individuals there are certain features of a trailer that will have wide appeal to specific groups of people
Common Target Audiences Teenage boys and girls Families Couples 16-25 skewed to boys 16-25 skewed to girls 25-35 skewed to men 25-35 skewed to women 35+
Who are trailers aimed at? Using a copy of your worksheet, lets view three different trailers and make notes on features that aim to please their target audiences
Fast Girls
Exit Card: For Discussion Where do you watch trailers? Did you watch the whole trailer? What do you remember about it? Does the place you see a trailer affect how you respond to it?