By: Edwin Burrola Ashley Cabrera Dash By: Edwin Burrola Ashley Cabrera
A dash is used within a sentence to show a sudden break or shift in thought. We use the dash when either the original thought or detour though is incomplete.
Em dashes a dash is used to mark abrupt change of statement. “ It’s a lovely – oh look at that bird.”
A dash is used within a sentence to mark off a parenthetical expression or change of thought where the use of parentheses is wrong. “Maybe a puppy – if I find one – will be my new pet.” “if I find one” is a detour in thought that is where a dash is used, before and after.
En dashes These dashes are used to connect a range. “for homework today, please read pages 30-60” They are also used to connect a prefix to an open compound.’ “ex-vice president” or “post-Civil war”