Industrial Revolution Notes HW: Maps due Nov. 16 11/10/2016 Industrial Revolution Notes HW: Maps due Nov. 16
Agricultural Revolution New agricultural technology and methods Increase efficiency of agriculture Increased output of crops and livestock Increase in population Increased populations move to cities urbanization
Great Britain: First to Industrialize Factors of production: the resources needed to produce goods and services that the Industrial Revolution required Land Labor Capital/wealth
Improvements in Transportation Steam Ship Canals Paved roads Railroads
Transition to Urban Life Urbanization: a process in which an increasing proportion of an entire population lives in cities and the suburbs of cities, usually tied to industrialization Close quarters and unsanitary conditions led to disease epidemics
Agricultural Populations in 1820, 1850, 1870, and 1910 Population changes in English cities from 1801-1841
Growing Tensions Between middle class and factory owners Factory owners were getting rich Workers led poor and short lives Between industrialized nations and non-industrialized nations Inequalities of wealth Beginnings of imperialism Europe becomes dominating continent
Positive Effects of Industrial Revolution Created jobs Encouraged technological progress Increased productivity Increased national wealth, especially middle class Improved standard of living Cheaper and more readily available products
Negative Effects of the Industrial Revolution Pollution Depletion of natural resources Poor working conditions Child Labor Inequality between industrialized and non-industrialized nations