Rosa Parks By:SheenaBean Thomas
Childhood Born February 4 1913 Leona and James Parks are her parents She had 1 brother named Sylvester Went to high school at Booker T. Washington Dropped out to take care of her sick grandmother Attended Alabama State Teachers College for 10 and 11 years of school
Adulthood Became an activist for NAACP 1932 Married Raymond Parks Became an activist for NAACP NAACP stand for the National Association for Advancement of colored people Participated in protesting for injustice or lack of fairness 1955 got arrested for not giving up her seat on the bus This Led to the Montgomery bus Boycott
Accomplishments 1997 awarded her the Spingarn medal highest honor 1980 received the Marther Luther King, Jr. award 1983 was placed in the Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame 1992 published her first book Rosa Parks My Story 1999 was awarded Congressional Gold medal one of the highest honors Started Montgomery bus Boycott
Death/Memory Died October 24, 2005 National day was dedicated to celebrate her Statue,museum located Washington D.C Troy University Buried Woodlawn Cemetery,Detroit Michigan Died in apartment Died because of natural causes