Weather Analysis
Gathering Weather Data Meteorologists use the following tools to gather information about weather conditions Thermometer-Measures temperature Barometers-Measures air pressure Storms generally form in low pressure systems Anemometer-Measures Wind Speed Sling Psychrometer – Measures Relative Humidity
Radiosonde Radiosonde – Instrument carried by a balloon uses sensors to measure the atmosphere Gathers information about the upper atmosphere Transmits the information by radio
Radar Radar - Radio Detecting and Ranging Radio waves are sent out and detect water droplets Meteorologists can determine the location of the storm Doppler Radar – Uses the Doppler Effect to determine the speed of the wind and rain
Satellites Satellite – Device that orbits the Earth and makes measurements of the atmosphere Cloud Cover Temperature Can track a storm
Station Model A station model is a symbol on a weather map that shows all of the conditions of a particular area Shows a large amount of data in a small amount of space
Weather Maps Weather map – A map that shows the weather of a particular area Isolines – Lines on a map that connect similar points Isobars-Connect points of equal pressure Isotherms-Connect points of equal temperature