(Parents of Older Children with Autism) P.O.C.A (Parents of Older Children with Autism)
What is P.O.C.A and how has it helped me? P.O.C.A is a charity that’s been running for 5 years. The charity was setup to give people with autism a place where they can have a chance to make friends and socialize when they usually wouldn't be able to in Derry. My mother, Edelle Canning, had set the group up soon after I was diagnosed with autism when I was 11 years old. I was barely able to talk to others when I was a kid. My mum knew I was having difficulties and she wanted to help so she formed a group so I could learn to socialize or at least have some friends. P.O.C.A is now run by my granny, Myra Canning, as my mum had stood down as the chairwoman earlier this year.
P.O.C.A Events I’ve helped P.O.C.A with fundraising and awareness events since they were formed in 2011. P.O.C.A has a yearly event called POCAFEST, this event is held in the Playtrail in Derry. I’ve been to every POCAFEST and they always have a great turn out, it also gives everyone a chance to to have fun and do things they haven't done before like speak on radio stations. P.O.C.A has had another event called POCACON. POCACON was an event similar to ComicCon.
Social Media I’ve been in many of P.O.C.A’s facebook posts and videos. They’ve helped me conquer a fear of being seen online and in photos, I’ve had anxiety issues for most of my life but P.O.C.A has helped me become much more open about myself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VTQkVf6ap4 https://www.facebook.com/parentsofolderchildrenwithautism/?fref=ts
My Contacts My mother is the previous chairwoman of P.O.C.A, she is one of my contacts. Also my grandmother is the current chairwoman of P.O.C.A. I also know every registered volunteer in P.O.C.A and most of the members who go to P.O.C.A’s youth club on a Friday.
Going Forward I’m going to make an awareness raising video about P.O.C.A, possibly using the personal story about how they’ve helped me. I would like to start filming on 18th November and end filming by the start of January. I would like 2-3 volunteers to help with editing and camerawork.