Warm up: What are the steps of the Scientific Method?
The Scientific Method
Scientific method Question Research Hypothesis Procedure Data Conclusion
The Steps Question: what does the scientist want to learn about? Research: Gathering of information Hypothesis: An educated guess of an answer to the question Procedure: an experiment designed to test the hypothesis Data: Information collected during the experiment Conclusion: was the hypothesis correct or incorrect?
Here’s an example growth experiment
COPY THIS IN YOUR JOURNALS: HERE’S AN EXAMPLE COPY THIS IN YOUR JOURNALS: TOPIC: PLANT GROWTH QUESTION: Does Soaking the seeds before planting affect growth rate? HYPOTHESIS: Write your own hypothesis that answers the question posed
RESEARCH: Read books and journal articles on how plants grow and what conditions are necessary to permit plant growth EXPERIMENT: The seeds will be soaked on 3 different manners and observed for growth rate among the different types of seeds
Set up: *sunflower, wheat, rye grass, alfalfa seeds Two seeds from each category immersed in water for a week Two seeds from each category covered with a damp paper towel for a week Two seeds from each category in dry environment Draw pictures in your journal of the following:
Homework EXAMPLE: Biotech Researcher Make a visual presentation displaying a career involving science THIS HOMEWORK IS OPTIONAL FOR EXTRA CREDIT EXAMPLE: Biotech Researcher