S.E.E.D. 1 Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity Please sign in and pick up the agenda and handouts for the meeting. Objectives: To find the commonalities and differences in our collective backgrounds as we build community. To learn SEED processes that will facilitate discussion.
Basic Information Sign in every time for attendance If you are bringing back a book, please sign in that you have returned it… Bathrooms – around the corner… Vending machines are downstairs by the Media Center We ask that cell phones are turned off There are times when you may finish reading/writing early – in that case, take a moment to reflect, get a drink etc. so that others may finish in peace
Credits/CEUs If you come prepared to all nine classes, you will receive 6-quarter credits and 35 CEU’s If you miss one class and make up all the class work required, you will receive 6-quarter credits and 31 CEU’s. If you miss two classes and make up all the class work required, you will receive 6-quarter credits and 28 CEU’s. If you miss more than 2 classes – you will have to see HR to discuss the situation… See SEED rubric for detailed information
The College of St. Catherine You have the option to sign up for credit through St.Kate’s… February – registration is handled through the web… more info as we get closer (*$299.00 ) Consider St. Kate’s if you may change districts – All people completing SEED 1 get In-District credit for $75 – but these credits will NOT travel to another district
Food – Snack signup? We need to decide if we want to do shared food… If so, we will have a signup sheet for meetings We will email the finished copy and send reminders prior to each meeting
Jamaica Kincaid - Girl
Nametags Please create a nametag for yourself We will use these at each meeting to facilitate learning/using names Include: Your name, any images that reflect who you are (related to teaching assignment or personal interests…)
Break! Food is provided tonight! Feel free to use the social studies office or the classroom Breaktime is a great chance to get to know new people – try to sit with a new group each time?
SEED Facilitators Facilitator vs. Teacher Seminar vs. Class No experts – we are ALL on a journey toward greater understanding
SEED Processes/Ground Rules Come prepared and be fully present Everyone’s voice must be heard – it is our collective responsibility to encourage the participation of others Personalize your knowledge – speak from your own experience (I…) All viewpoints are valued Respectful behavior builds trust and supports risk-taking
Ground Rules cont. No Put Downs (say “ouch”) Use “I” statements Generative Listening – listen w/o an agenda Suspend assumptions as a listener Don’t “piggyback” on what others say – don’t assume a connection where a connection may not exist Respect each other in disagreements Use “yes and” instead of “no but” Confidentiality – what happens in SEED stays in SEED!
Discipline of the Circle ** SEED Protocol** The first time around the circle, each person takes a turn and speaks without interruption Cross talk may occur after each person has spoken once about the given topic This is not easy – but it works. Help each other stay on track!
Let’s practice! Use “Discipline of the Circle” to discuss the Weissglass article Each person gets 1-2 minutes. If you run out of things to say – respect the silence
Circles of Our Multicultural Selves Put your name in the center circle In surrounding circles, list components of your identity (groups you identify with, roles?) Debrief…
Homework for October Read the following selections from Braided Lives: Sure You Can Ask Me A Question - pages 65-66 Apa - pages 128-130 Theme for English B - pages 210-211 Local Sensibilities - pages 271-272 Journal about the poems and the feelings evoked or an experience you’ve had or witnessed. Please record your responses in your journal. In addition, write your own version of Sure You Can Ask Me a Question. Model your version after Diane Burns’ version. Next Meeting – Tuesday 10/22/13