Introduction to transportation system
Transportation system Consisting of the fixed facilities, the flow entities, and the control system that permit people and goods to overcome the friction of geographical space efficiently in order to participate in a timely manner in some desired activity.
Fixed facilities Physical components of the system that are fixed in space and constitute the network of links ( roadway segments, railway track, and pipes) and nodes (intersections, interchanges) of the transportation systems. Their design includes soil and foundation engineering, structural design, the design of drainage systems, and geometric design
Flow entities They include vehicles, railroad cars etc. In case of highway system the fixed facilities are expected to accommodate a wide variety of vehicle types ranges from bicycles to large tractor-trailer combination.
Control system Consists of vehicular control and flow control. Vehicular control refers to the technological way in which individual vehicles are guided on the fixed facilities. Such control can be manual or automated. Flow control system consist of the means that permit the efficient and smooth operation of streams of vehicles and reduction of conflicts between vehicles. This system includes various types of signing, marking and signal system.
Transportation demand Transportation system are built to serve people in undertaking their economic, social and cultural activities. People normally do not travel for the sake of movement but to fulfill their certain needs. Similarly workers do not place themselves in the middle of the morning and evening rush hours because they enjoy traffic congestion but because their work schedules require it.
Transportation demand Transportation engineers are concerned with accommodating these social activities by providing efficient ways to satisfy the population’s needs for mobility.
Modes of Transportation Land Water Air
Modes of Transportation
Elements of Transportation There are three main elements of automobile transportation: The road users (Drivers and pedestrians) The vehicle The road way and geometric design
Phases of planning Conception: Implementation: Identification of project alternatives Selection of the best alternative Implementation: Construction of the project Operation and Maintenance