Plant Growth & Development By: Johnny M. Jessup Agriculture Teacher/FFA Advisor
Introduction There are 7 plant processes that effect growth which are…. Photosynthesis Respiration Absorption Transpiration Translocation Reproduction Osmosis
Photosynthesis Process by which green plants manufacture food. The beginning of the food chain for all living things on earth.
Photosynthesis Carbon dioxide and water are combined in the presence of light to make sugar and oxygen. The Formula is…. 6CO2 + 6H2O + 672Kcal C6H12O6 + 6O2 Carbon Dioxide Water Light Glucose Sugar Oxygen
Respiration The process through which plant leaves, stems, and roots consume oxygen and give off carbon dioxide. Plants produce much more oxygen through photosynthesis then they use through respiration.
Photosynthesis vs. Respiration
Absorption The process by which plant roots take in water, air, & nutrients and conduct them to the stem.
Transpiration The process by which plants roots lose water from leaves and stems through evaporation.
Translocation The process by which food and nutrients are moved within a plant from one plant part to another. Water and minerals move from the roots up to the leaves and food moves from the leaves down to the roots.
Reproduction The plant process that increases plant numbers, usually from seeds.
Asexual Propagation Budding Grafting Layering Stem Cuttings ETC
Asexual Propagation
Osmosis The process by which minerals enter the plant through cell walls. The process by which water enters the plant through cell walls.
Photoperiodism The response of plants to different amounts of light regarding their flowering and reproduction cycles.
Photoperiodism Short day plants require long nights to flower. Examples are poinsettia and azalea.
Photoperiodism Long day plants require short nights to flower. Examples are African violets and spinach.
Phototropism The tendency for plants to grow toward a light source
Moisture 90% of plant tissue is made of mostly water. Water carries nutrients throughout the plant
Plant Processes Photosynthesis Respiration Absorption Transpiration Translocation Reproduction Osmosis
Stages of Plant Growth Juvenile When the plant first starts to grow from a seed.
Stages of Plant Growth Vegetative The second stage of growth that begins after the plant begins photosynthesis and actively grows leaves, stems, and roots prior to flowering
Stages of Plant Growth Reproductive When plant produces flowers, seeds, and fruits.
Stages of Plant Growth Dormant When plant rests or grows very little if any.
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones North Carolina Zones 6 to 8 Plants are categorized by zones based on the average minimum temperature Zone 6 -10 to 0 degrees F Zone 7 0 to 10 degrees F Charlotte and Raleigh Zone 8 10 to 20 degrees F Havelock
Plant Cell Growth
Plant Cells Are the basic unit of life. Nucleus and a mass of protoplasm contained with a plasma membrane.
Nucleus Location of the plant’s genetic and hereditary make-up.
Protoplasm The living matter of the cell. The gel matrix inside the cell.
Plasma Membrane Surrounds protoplasm and allows for exchange of nutrients and gases into and out of the cell.
Cell Wall The rigid structure that provides support for the cell and thus the whole plant.
Other Cell Structures Chloroplasts Vacuole Plastids Mitochondrion
The Plant Cell
Plant Tissue A group of cells with similar origin and function. Classified according to their…. Origin Structure Physiology
Origin & Function Meristematic Vascular Cambium Near the tip of stems and roots where cell division and enlargement occur. Vascular Cambium Increase growth in diameter of stems.
Structure Simple Complex Usually one type of cell. Several types of cells.
Simple Tissues Epidermal Sclerenchyma One-cell thick, outer layer, protects, prevents water loss. Sclerenchyma Have thickened cell walls and contain fibers to give strength and support to plant structures.
Complex Tissues Collenchyma Parenchyma Have thick cell walls that strengthen and support plant structures. Parenchyma Fleshy part of plant that stores water and nutrients.
The Asexual Cycle - Vegetative Growth and development of buds, roots, leaves, and stems.
The Asexual Cycle - Vegetative Cell elongation Stage when cells enlarge. Cell differentiation Stage when cells specialize.
The Asexual Cycle - Reproductive Reproductive or flowering Plant develops flower buds that will develop into…. Flowers Fruits Seeds
Growth Hormones Plants produce chemical substances called hormones that inhibit or promote growth. Common plant hormones are…. Inhibitors Cytokinins Gibberellins Auxins
Inhibitors Hasten fruit ripening, inhibit or restrain seed germination and stem elongation. STOP
Cytokinins Hormones that work with auxins to stimulate cell division.
Gibberellins Hormones that stimulate cell elongation, premature flowering, and breaking of dormancy.
Auxins Hormones that speed plant growth by stimulating cell enlargement.
Effects of Light, Moisture, Temperature, & Nutrients on Plants
Light Necessary because of photosynthesis. Photoperiodism The response of plants to different amounts of light regarding their flowering and reproduction cycles.
Light Insufficient light causes long, slender, spindly stems. Excessive light causes plants to dry out faster.
Moisture Needed in large amounts because plants tissues are mostly water and…. Water carries the nutrients. Turgid When a plant is swollen or filled with moisture. Wilted When a plant is limp because it does not have enough moisture.
Moisture Too much water causes small root systems and drowning. Which is the result of air spaces in soil being filled with water. Too little water causes wilting and stunted growth.
vs. Temperature Needs vary depending on types of plants. Either too high or too low will have adverse effects. vs.
Nutrients Essential for optimum plant conditions. Have little effect on seed germination.
Combined Effect of Light, Moisture, Temperature, & Nutrients Ideal quantities and quality will give optimum plant growth. Each has an effect on the other factors. Unfavorable environmental conditions for plant growth causes diseases to be more severe in their damages to plants.
Designed By: Johnny M. Jessup, FFA Advisor Hobbton High School