Briefly explain which military advantage you would want and why Bell ringer Activity Briefly explain which military advantage you would want and why Strong Military Leadership or More soldiers and resources
Benchmark: SS.912.A.2.1 – review causes and consequences of the Civil War What were the main causes and consequences of the American Civil War?
Mastering the Standard Analyze and evaluate different characteristics of specific sociocultural aspects of American life in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (1860–1910) Relate how specific causes and consequences of the Civil War were both the result of a failure to peacefully resolve the schism in American society; Schism - a split or division between strongly opposed sections or parties, caused by differences in opinion or belief.
What is a Civil War? A civil war is a war between people of the same country. There have been many civil wars, but one of the worst in history happened in America. The American Civil War was fought to keep the South from leaving the Union. Slavery was the major issue that separated the North from the South.
Lincoln – Douglas Debates • A series of 7 face-to-face debates held throughout Illinois in 1858 for the Senate seat • Debates revealed Lincoln’s position on the issue of slavery in which he became well known for Topics discussed at the debates Expansion/abolition of slavery Popular sovereignty Dred Scott decision Freeport Doctrine African American citizenship • Lincoln would lose to Douglas but he would became very well liked by the abolitionist movement
Presidential election of 1860 In 1860, Stephan Douglas and Abraham Lincoln ran against each other again, this time for president. Lincoln had become well known from their debates about slavery. This time, Lincoln won, becoming the 16th president.
Southern States secede Lincoln received no support in the South because they believed he wanted to end slavery. Since there were so many more people in the North, he won the election anyway. As soon as Lincoln won the election, the South started to secede. This means the South split from the Union. They no longer wanted to be part of the United States. Supporters of secession based their arguments on the idea of states’ rights. They said they had voluntarily joined the union, so they could leave when they wanted.
Confederate States of America On December 20, 1860, South Carolina became the first state to secede. They were followed by Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. The eleven states that had seceded formed the Confederate States of America. They named Jefferson Davis as president. They wrote a new Constitution which made slavery legal.
Checks for Understanding #1 Were the actions of the seven states that seceded from the Union justifiable? At this point were there any other alternatives to secession? Why or why not?
Lincoln’s View on States’ Secession Lincoln said that the Union was “perpetual” (continuing forever) and the Southern states had no right to leave it. He promised to carry out the law of the land (according to the U.S. constitution) in all states, and Vowed to preserve the nation at all costs.
America during the Civil War
The US Civil War Long Term Causes Breakdown of Compromise Sectionalism Slavery Westward Expansion States Rights
The Civil War I do Breakdown of Compromise *Remember our previous lessons! Missouri Compromise– 36-30 line would decide if a state would be a free or slave state. Compromise of 1850– California came into the Union as a free state. Popular sovereignty (voting) would decide the fate of territories that applied for statehood Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 - established the concept of popular sovereignty in America. Caused clashes between pro slavery and anti slavery groups “Bleeding Kansas”
Breakdown of Compromise So why was the Breakdown of Compromise a cause of the US Civil War?
Cause/Definition/Issues Surrounding The Civil War Long Term Causes – use pages 3-10 in your book and complete the chart (columns 1 & 2) Cause/Definition/Issues Surrounding Why was it a cause? Breakdown of Compromise – Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, & Kansas-Nebraska Act The nation managed to preserve unity through a series of compromises that eventually breakdown over time
The Civil War began at Fort Sumter, SC
This is the beginning of the Civil War! The Civil War Begins Confederate soldiers take over Fort Sumter Fort Sumter— a Union outpost in the Charleston harbor Confederates demand surrender of Fort Sumter First Shots Lincoln does not reinforce or evacuate, just sends food For South, no action would damage sovereignty of Confederacy Jefferson Davis chooses to turn peaceful secession into war Orders Confederate soldiers to fire on Sumter April 12, 1861 This is the beginning of the Civil War!