Constitution Test Format Most tests will consist of multiple choice, matching, and short answer. BRING A #2 PENCIL FOR SCANTRON! Most multiple choice will be the standard four choices, with one being correct and three being incorrect. However, some will ask for TWO answers, or “Which one is NOT… or “Circle ALL of the following…” These could be 2, 3, or all 4. Matching will usually be significant vocabulary, concepts, or people. Typically 8-10 questions, with a word bank of 12-15 choices. Short answer is a question that usually requires an answer of 1-3 sentences, usually explaining “why”, or “how”, or the significance of something. Best advice: don’t let me have questions about your answer. Be thorough! Don’t assume the reader knows anything about the subject.
Many tests will have sections unique to that unit Many tests will have sections unique to that unit. For example, this test will have … a section to decide whether a power is national, state, both, or denied. a diagram to show checks and balances like the chart we did in class. Bill of Rights cases like the worksheet we did in class. I’ll provide you with a Bill of Rights. Relationship between Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. You will use the Constitution in your book to find the answers. Short answer question where you list the main responsibility of each branch, then pick any law and provide an example of each branch performing that responsibility.