Home & Family How do our experiences with Home & family shape us? Unit 1 Day 2
Daily agenda Attendance/Return evidence statements No Bell Ringer Vocab Spotlight: Aesthetic Baseline Assessment Reading Lesson: Deiree's Baby
Learning Objectives Cite strong evidence to support analysis of character motivation and theme. Analyze the impact of an author’s choices on the reader & on the creation of tone and mood Identify the meaning of words in context
VOCABULARY SPOTLIGHT 5 minutes Use the examples to determine meaning of tier two vocabulary. Although the aesthetic of the meal was pleasing, the food lacked flavor. Hint: Greek/Latin root “aesthet” means feeling or sensation Aesthetic
Baseline Assessment 60 mins. This assessment measures your knowledge of English language skills through the eighth-grade level. It will be used for diagnostic purposes and will not count in your final grade.
Reading 10 mins. Instructions: Conduct a close reading of Chopin's "Desiree's Baby" by reading the text three times. 1. Skim the text to get the gist of the story. 2. Read carefully, highlighting important details and noting questions in the margins. 3. Go back and reread areas that require clarification. This story has subtle twists. Your goal is to understand and be able to discuss the plot.
Clean-up & Announcements 5 minutes Clean-up your work area: Dispose of garbage Homework: Finish reading Desiree's Baby