Elementary OPAC Guide Display Plan Ideally, I would like to print out these PowerPoint slides, laminate them, punch a hole in the corner, and put them in a ring. Then, I would place a copy at each computer in the media center with OPAC access. I think that the 8.5”x11” paper will prevent them from getting lost easily; additionally, the lamination will protect them from daily wear and tear. Further, the PowerPoint could also be posted to the library media center website for easy download and access. It could even become part of a Voicethread presentation accessed through the library media center website.
A Step-by-Step Guide for the Elementary Student By: Jay Gerding Guide to the OPAC A Step-by-Step Guide for the Elementary Student By: Jay Gerding
Step 1: Getting Started Access the OPAC from the school library website. The page will look like this:
Step 2: Searching Decisions There are many ways to search for items in the library, but the most popular ones are subject and keyword searches.
Step 3: Searching for Dogs as a Keyword Search I like dogs a lot. Let’s search for dogs as a keyword by typing dogs into the search bar and clicking on keyword.
Step 4: Analyzing the Results There are 266 books related to dogs using a keyword search, so we need to narrow this down using a subject search. Click on the “browse subjects” link.
Step 5: Searching By Subject to Narrow the Choices We see that 36 of the books are books just about dogs, but there are books about dogs in other subject headings as well. Note the large number of fiction books. Clicking on any of these subject headings will take you to more specific library resources about dogs and narrow down your results. Clicking on the green arrow will take you to more subject headings about dogs on the next page. Let’s click on “Dogs.”
Step 6: Subject Search Title List These are the results that appear if you click on the subject “dogs.” Each entry gives you useful information, which is marked with arrows. You can click on a title for even more details! Each listing gives a call # to help you find the book on the shelf, the author’s name ,and other information. Click on a title for more info. There must be one copy available on the shelf right now! Call numbers like this mean it is on the Web.
Step 7: Clicking on a Title I clicked on the first title on the list, which was Bailey, and this is what I found. Call # to help find the book Number of copies in library. Number of copies in other libraries. A summary of what the book is about. Other subject headings you can search to find similar titles are in the “Explore” section. If you continue to scroll down the page you can find info about the publisher, awards the book won, and other information about the book.
Step 8: You Made It Great Work! You found great information and resources about dogs using keyword and subject searches! You now know the basics of how to search using the OPAC. If you still have questions, feel free to ask Mr. Gerding
Step 9: Subject Headings that Might be Useful Magic Magic tricks Puppies Dogs Travel Guides Travel and tourism Celebrities Last name, First name (Timberlake, Justin) Graphic Novels Graphic novels--Fiction Jokes Practical jokes Jobs Occupations--United States. Riddles