3rd Grade Curriculum Night Ms. Gallant Mrs. Johnson Mrs. Verner Ms. Walley Mrs. Wright
School Wide Discipline Be respectful, be responsible, be safe! Expectations in all school areas Clip up, clip down Behavior reflection sheet
Attendance If your child is absent please send in a written excuse when the child returns to school. Without a written excuse, your child’s absence will remain unexcused. The office can no longer accept phone calls.
Math Numeration Measurement Multiplication Geometry Division volume time mass area linear measurement Multiplication Geometry Division Fractions on number lines and line plots Picture and bar graph
Language Arts a) Referring to text to support answer b) Text features c) Compare and contrast d) Sequencing e) Understanding central point/main idea f) Vocabulary and figurative language g) Character traits h) Point of view i) Narrative writing j) Informative/ explanatory writing k) Opinion writing We incorporate the balanced literacy framework and reader’s workshop. Students will build reading stamina by reading independently and responding to a text for an extended period of time.
Science a) Matter b) Earth and the Universe c) Skeletal System d) Ecosystems (plants) e) Force and Motion f) Energy Students will complete experiments using the Scientific Method.
Social Studies a) Citizenship & Government b) Charlotte today; cultural influences and local government c) Charlotte history; cultural differences d) Themes of Geography; land forms e) Economics f) Biography Project (Wax Museum)
Grade level homework policies Assigned weekly. Homework is due on Friday Ten Marks math homework 20-30 minutes of reading per night (log must be signed nightly) Homework will count as a weekly grade for reading & math (CMS policy)
Grade level grading policy 10 Point Scale A- 90-100 B- 80-89 C- 70-79 D- 60-69 F- 68 and Below Lowest grade posted for progress reports & report cards in Powerschool will be a 65 Formal vs. Informal Grades The graded subjects are Math, English/Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, & Health.
Communication a) Daily - Agendas b) Weekly – Thursday Folder c) Weekly- Third Grade Weebly Site
Assessments Reading 3D MAP testing in reading and math BOG 3 (Beginning of Grade) State test was on September 14th Reading 3D MAP testing in reading and math EOG (End of Grade) test Common Assessments
Thank you! Thank you for attending!