Types of Families
Nuclear Family Parents and one or more children
Single Parent Family One parent and one or more children
Extended Family When a nuclear or single parent family lives with any extended family members
Blended Family A nuclear family in which one or both parents have had a previous marriage and possibly children from that marriage
Adoptive Family May be nuclear, single, or blended; the child is not blood-related to the parent but has been adopted legally
Foster Family May be nuclear, single, or blended; one or more of the children are not birth or adopted. The child may stay with the family for an extended period through special government agencies
Same Sex Family Two males or two females with or without children
Sandwich Family When aging parents, middle-aged parents and children all live together
WOOFS Well-off older folks
DINKS Dual income couple with no kids
Commuter Marriage When one spouse works away from the home for extended periods of time
Cooperative Family When two families live together for economic support
Childless Family Couple with no kids
Polygamous Family Married to more than one spouse at a time