Rare and Forbidden Decays in the Standard Model Elizabeth Mullin 2008 SULI Presentation
Motivation Some extensions of the Standard Model can enhance rare/forbidden decay rates SUSY multiple Higgs doublets extra dimensions Three possible outcomes find something and confirm new theories don’t find anything and set an upper limit don’t find anything and reject new theories
Decays Looking for D0→l+l- (decay probability) Rare Decays: D0→e+e - ( 10-23 ) D0→μ+μ - ( 10-13 ) Forbidden Decay: D0→e±μ∓ ( 0 )
Previous Analysis Completed in 2004 160 million D0 events from BaBar runs 1, 2, & 3 90% confidence level upper limits: 1⋅10-6 D0→e+e – 5⋅10-7 D0→μ+μ - 3⋅10-7 D0→e±μ∓ Improvements: more data look at additional variables
Background Primary sources combinatoric – random decays that look like signal misidentified particles – e.g. pion identified as a muon Use simulated decays (Monte Carlo) to analyze expected background and signal generic MC to look at the background signal MC to look at the expected signal
Background Reduction background reduction vs. signal efficiency particle ID requirements cuts on different variables momentum for the D0, electrons, muons angle between the decay daughters detector hits
New Variables Missing transverse momentum reduce background from decays into leptons and neutrinos l+ υ l+ l- signal s w+ background D0 c neutrinos aren’t detected, so a high net momentum means that something is missing
missing transverse momentum signal Monte Carlo background Monte Carlo D0→e+e-
New Variables Helicity angle angle between the D0 direction and decay daughter direction in the D0 rest frame D0 rest frame lab frame center of mass frame D0 l+ l- vcm l- D0 direction l+ θh D0 l+ l-
helicity angle signal Monte Carlo background Monte Carlo D0→e+e-
Future Work Bremsstrahlung recovery for electrons energy lost to radiation can be recovered and added back into the electron energy to reduce the tail in the low mass sideband Optimize cuts on variables maximize signal minimize background
References Chunhui Chen. Search for the flavor-changing neutral current and lepton-flavor violation decays of D0→l+l-. Physics Review Letters, vol. 93 191801 (2004).