C3S3: Other Organizations Main Idea: Producer and worker cooperatives are associations in which the members join in production and marketing to lower costs for their members’ benefit.
C3S3: Other Organizations Key Terms: Nonprofit Organization Credit union Collective bargaining Chamber of commerce Better Business Bureau Public utility
C3S3: Other Organizations Community and Civic Organizations Nonprofits Schools, churches, hospitals Are legally incorporated for long life, tax benefits Revenue is used to further their own causes, making them not-for-profit An important part of the system, but the benefits are hard to measure
C3S3: Other Organizations Community and Civic Organizations Cooperatives Consumer Co-Ops buy products for members, members help run the business Service Co-Ops provide services such as loans or insurance Producer Co-Ops help their members sell their products
C3S3: Other Organizations Labor, Professional, and Business Organizations Labor Unions Organization formed to represent its members’ interests Use collective bargaining to get better working conditions for their members Pressure the government to pass laws that help workers
C3S3: Other Organizations Labor, Professional, and Business Organizations Professional Associations People in a specific occupation that works to improve their public image Examples: American Medical Association, American Bar Association
C3S3: Other Organizations Labor, Professional, and Business Organizations Business Associations Help promote member businesses
C3S3: Other Organizations Government Direct Role Supplying goods or services that compete with the private sector Examples: TVA, FDIC, USPS
C3S3: Other Organizations Government Indirect Role Regulates public utilities because they rarely have competition Example: Cable TV
Unit 1 Assessment Unit 1 Test Review Chapter 3 by answering Reviewing the Facts questions 1-3, 5, 9 and Math Practice 1-3 Page 82, on separate paper, due at end of period