CLUSTER!! Reading (et al.) vs Common Core March 27, 2013 Focus: Project Based Learning
Something with which to start: What is an authentic project?
Agenda: Info about PBL When to use PBL Collaboration and small group discussion about the integrated PBL Take-away
What Is Project-Based Learning? Well-designed projects ask students to Tackle real problems and issues that have importance to people beyond the classroom. Actively engage in their learning and make important choices during the project. Demonstrate in tangible ways that they have learned key concepts and skills.
What is “authentic PBL?” Allows for a variety of learning styles "Real" world oriented - learning has value beyond the demonstrated competence of the learner Risk-free environment - provides positive feedback and allow choice Encourages the use of higher order thinking skills and learning concepts as well as basic facts Utilizes hands-on approaches Provides for in-depth understanding Accessible for all learners Utilizes various modes of communication Assessment is congruent with instruction, i.e. performance-based Students are responsible for their own learning Students have ownership of their learning within the curriculum Projects promote meaningful learning, connecting new learning to students' past performances Learning utilizes real time data - investigating data and drawing conclusions The learning process is valued as well as the learning project Learning cuts across curricular areas - multidisciplinary in nature Teacher is a facilitator of learning Student self-assessment of learning is encouraged taken from The Star Center website
When to Use Project-Based Learning
When to Use Project-Based Learning Do the content standards call for demonstration, application, performance, or understanding? Is there a way to capitalize on opportunities in the community through a PBL approach? Is there enough time and are the necessary resources available? Can standards, skills, and habits of mind be prioritized and sequenced so that the project is doable? Can all students be supported to produce high-quality work?
Group work! Buddy up with the peeps you are collaborating with for your project to discuss the project(s) you are planning. Those of you working independently, buddy up together to talk about your project and to get feedback and/or ideas and/or suggestions.
Take-away time!