A pictorial guide of genocide The Holocaust: A pictorial guide of genocide
Holocaust – mass murder of 11 million people in Europe Nazis begin targeting Jews -blame for economy - Nuremberg Laws strip Jews of German citizenship -Make Jews wear Star of David Kristallnact – Nov 9-10 - attack and kill Jews; destroy their homes and businesses The Beginning
The Holocaust Genocide – deliberate killing of an entire population Aryans – “Master race” in Hitler’s eyes Condemn Jews, Gypsies, Freemason, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, mentally ill and hanicapped Develop the SS to gather up these groups and place into ghettos The Holocaust
The Ghetto Sealed up by brick and barbed wire Dead bodies on the street Jews set up secret newspapers and schools The Ghetto
Concentration Camps Labor camps Families were separated Hunger, Humiliation and Death Crowded living conditions Worked all day long Concentration Camps
Mass Murders 1942 Nazis build 6 death camps – Auschwitz (largest) Decide who would die, who would work Leave all belonging and go to gas chamber to “shower” – poisoned with cyanide gas Some were used to test sterilization and diseases 6 million Jews died Mass Murders