Mr. Lauzurica’s European Explorers
Christopher Columbus (1492) He wanted to find a short cut to the Indies by sailing west. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella gave Columbus the money and ships to find a route to Asia. His three ships were the Santa Maria, the Nina, and the Pinta. He is best known for discovering America. The day he saw land was October 12, 1492. This is now a national holiday called Columbus Day. He called the people that he met Indians because he thought he was in India. His descriptions of the riches he found in China made traders want to go to Asia. He was an Italian Explorer that sailed for Spain.
Christopher Columbus (1492)
John Cabot (1497) Also known as Giovanni Caboto. He was Italian His mission was to find a quicker route to the Indies. King Henry VII gave him one ship for his first Voyage, the Matthew. He took back fool’s gold to the king which he thought was real gold.
Vasco Balboa (1509) He was a Spanish Explorer Borrowed a sizeable amount of money and had a large debt. He was the first European to see the eastern shore of the Pacific Ocean, on September 13, 1513.
Juan Ponce de Leon (1513) Spanish Explorer First European to set foot in Florida He went in search of the Fountain of Youth and other riches.
Jacques Cartier (1534) He was a French explorer. His mission was to find the Northwest Passage. This water route did not exist however countries spent a lot of money trying to locate it. He claimed Canada for France. He discovered the St. Lawrence River.
Henry Hudson (1607) He was an English Explorer. He discovered and named the Hudson Bay, the Hudson River, and the Hudson Straight. He made four trips to the New World. His first voyage was in a ship called the “Hopewell”, hoping to find the Northwest Passage to the North Pole but failed. His second attempt in 1608 also failed. His third voyage was on ship called the half moon and it failed as well.
Resources Enchanted - Explorers of North America