The Reproductive Systems
Male Reproductive System Function Produce & store sperm Produce testosterone Transfer sperm to female during intercourse Pleasure
Male Reproductive System
Male Reproductive System Penis External reproductive organ composed of spongy tissue that contains many blood vessels. Function: sexual reproduction, sexual pleasure and elimination of body waste Erection – blood fills the vessels in the penis
Male Reproductive System Testes (Testicles) Two small glands that produce sperm and manufacture testosterone. Testosterone is responsible for secondary sex characteristics: Enlargement of reproductive organs Broadened shoulders Facial, underarm & pubic hair Deepened voice Muscular development Lengthens bones
Male Reproductive System Scrotum Sac that holds the testes at the temperature optimal for sperm production Epididymis Stores and matures sperm Vas Deferens Tube that connects epididymis to the urethra right below the bladder Cilia and smooth muscle movement help move sperm through the vas deferens
Male Reproductive System Semen Mixture of sperm and fluids from the seminal vesicles, prostate gland and Cowper’s glands. Fluid provides nourishment, help sperm movement, alkaline solution Comprised of millions of sperm cells (but sperms is only 5% of mixture)
Male Reproductive System Urethra Tube that travels from the bladder through the penis to the outside of the body Passageway for sperm and urine Muscle located below the bladder prevents urine and sperm from being present at the same time.
Reproductive Glands Seminal Vesicles – glands located behind the bladder that secretes fluid that mixes with sperm to make up semen Prostate Gland – gland located below the bladder that secretes fluid that mixes with sperm to make up semen Cowper’s Glands - gland located below the prostate gland that secretes fluid that mixes with sperm to make up semen
Male Reproductive System
Male Reproductive System Ejaculation Release of sperm/semen from the body Pre-ejaculatory Fluid Fluid released from Cowper’s gland before ejaculation to cleanse the urethra Nocturnal Emission While asleep the penis becomes erect and fluid is released
Male Reproductive System Care Good hygiene Monthly self exams Wear protective equipment Yearly checkups No Drugs Eat healthy & exercise Get enough sleep ABSTINENCE!!!
Male Reproductive System Inguinal Hernia Intestines push through a tear in the scrotum. Sterility Inability to have children Testicular Cancer Self testicular exams! Prostate Cancer
Testicular Exam
Female Reproductive System Function To mature ovum (eggs) Produce estrogen and progesterone Reception of sperm for fertilization Nourish and develop a fetus Pleasure
Female Reproductive System
Female Reproductive System Vulva – external organs Mons Pubis – fatty tissue that cover the pubic bone Labia Majora & Labia Minora – folds of skin around the vagina that serve as protection & produce sexual arousal Vaginal Opening – location of the hymen Clitoris – knob of tissue that produces sexual arousal that is located in front of the vaginal opening.
Female Reproductive System Vagina (Birth Canal) Elastic passageway from the cervix to the outside of the body (4-5 inches long) Cervix Opening of the uterus Uterus (Womb) Muscular organ where the fetus develops Menstrual flow comes from the uterus lining
Female Reproductive System Fallopian Tubes Tubes that connect the uterus to both ovaries. Fertilization (union of sperm and ova) occurs in these tubes Ovaries Female sex glands that mature ovum and produce estrogen & progesterone Secondary Sex Characteristics Breast development Underarm and pubic hair Widened hips & increase in body fat Start of menstrual cycle
Female Reproductive System
Female Reproductive System
Female Reproductive System Ovulation The release of a mature ovum from the ovaries Fertilization (Conception) Joining of a sperm and ova Menstruation The shedding of the lining of the uterus each month
Female Reproductive System
Female Reproductive System
Female Reproductive System Care Good hygiene Monthly breast exams Yearly checkups (with a pelvic exam!) No Drugs Eat healthy & exercise Get enough sleep Manage stress levels ABSTINENCE!!
Female Reproductive System PMS – Premenstrual Syndrome Symptoms experienced during menstruation Dysmenorrhea – menstrual cramps Amenorrhea – lack of menstrual cycle Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) – bacterial infection in the vagina Sterility – inability to have children Breast Cancer Ovarian Cancer Uterine Cancer Cervical Cancer
Female Reproductive System Cup Pads Tampons
Female Reproductive System
Female Reproductive System Breast Self-Examination Monthly Pelvic Examination Yearly after 18th birthday or when sexually active Detection of cervical cancer