Tutoring Score Analysis Writing OGT Tutoring Score Analysis
Understanding Your Score Raw Score: Need 26 to pass (48 points possible) Scaled Score: Need 400 to pass Breakdown: *Writing Applications: BIGGEST AREA! 24 points possible. Writing Letters, Narratives, Using Evidence, Literary Responses, Persuasive Writing, etc. Writing Processes: 12 Points Possible. Rewriting, identifying purpose and audience, editing writing, quality of writing, etc. Writing Conventions: 12 points possible. Spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, usage, etc.
Example of a Writing Application Question These are USUALLY your two prompts, but often include other questions as well.
Examples of Writing Processes Questions. They will ask you a variety of questions that are focused on editing and preparing writing.
Examples of Writing Conventions Questions. They will ask you a variety of questions that are focused on spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar and usage.
How did you do on your best writing OGT How did you do on your best writing OGT? On which area(s) do you need to focus? WRITING Scaled Score Raw Score Writing Process Applications Conventions YOU Passing 400 25.5 6.5-9.0 10.5-13.5 8.5-10.5 These are the ideal ranges to fall in for EACH of your sub scores. If your score is not within this range, then you should focus on improving in this area of the writing OGT.