Research Paper Total Score:_____ / 50 Name:___________________ A B C Not Proficient Thesis: Clearly defines a historical thesis and addresses it throughout. Content: a. Provides clear, specific, focused historical content. b. Presents significant support for the thesis. c. Shows excellent critical thinking and in-depth analysis. d. Shows excellent development and understanding of the topic. Conclusion: Presents a clear and complete summary of the thesis and supporting arguments. Sources: Supports the argument and assertions with solid academic sources, which are cited appropriately in the essay. Bibliography: Minimum requirements for number and type of sources are met and exceeded. Mechanics: Few errors in spelling, conventions and syntax Excellent organization. Body paragraphs follow the thesis. Thesis: Clearly defines a historical thesis and addresses it throughout. Content: a. Provides fairly solid historical content. b. Presents fairly substantial support for the thesis. c. Shows good critical thinking and analysis, but could have done more. d. Shows good development and understanding of the topic. Conclusion: Presents a good overall summary of the thesis and supporting arguments. Sources: Supports the argument and assertions with solid academic sources, which are cited appropriately in the essay. Bibliography: Minimum requirements for number and type of sources are met and exceeded. Mechanics: Some errors in spelling, conventions and syntax Good organization. Body paragraphs mostly follow the thesis. Thesis: Defines a historical thesis and addresses it occasionally. Content: a. Provides adequate historical content. b. Presents some support for the thesis. c. Shows some critical thinking and analysis, but could have done more. d. Shows some development and understanding of the topic. Conclusion: Presents a some summary of the thesis and supporting arguments. Sources: Occasionally supports the argument and assertions with solid academic sources, which are cited appropriately in the essay. Bibliography: Minimum requirements for number and type of sources are met. Mechanics: Several errors in spelling, conventions and syntax Organization is fairly solid, but is confused at times. Thesis: Does not define, or address a historical thesis. Content: a. Does not provide adequate historical content. b. Fails to provide adequate support for the thesis. c. Does not demonstrate critical thinking or analysis. d. Does not show development and understanding of the topic. Conclusion: Fails to include a summary of the thesis and supporting arguments. Sources: Does not support the argument and assertions with solid academic sources, or sources are not cited appropriately in the essay. Bibliography: Minimum requirements for number and type of sources are not met. Mechanics: Numerous errors in spelling, conventions and syntax Organization is non-existant. 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 ____ Total Score:_____ / 50