Welcome to World History Class! Mrs. Strawn
About Me 1st year at INDEPENDENCE 8th years with CMS Masters in History/ B.A in Political Science UW-Superior Married with two daughters in a CMS Middle School Kids, Pets, Friends and Bulgarian community Keep trying and changing
Course Objectives: Further develop reading, writing, speaking like a historian Ensure college and career readiness
Required Materials Notebook or Binder Loose Leaf Paper Pens, pencils
Standards-based Curriculum Reading Focus/Selections Writing from Sources Informative Argumentative Narrative Evidence-based Discussions Language and Grammar
Grading Mastery 75% Participation 25% Grading Breakdown: 90-100%=A Includes tests, quizzes, projects, reports, essays, assignments, etc. Participation 25% Includes practice, skill-building exercises, non-skill related assignments Grading Breakdown: 90-100%=A 80-89%=B 70-79%=C 60-69%=D Below 59%=F
Participation Counts! Being prepared Participating in discussions Listening attentively Following classroom rules Treating others respectfully
Staying Informed Class website: www.strawnwh.weebly.com Online textbook: https://my.hrw.com/ Username: worldhistory59 Password: world Google classroom: assignments Remind: Text 81010 with message @388ha Email: ii.sradkova-strawn@cms.k12.nc.us Tel. 908-343-6900
Getting Involved Ways to Volunteer Volunteer Approval Process Teacher Wish List
Contact Me! Teacher Name Phone and extension Email address THANK YOU!!!