Cats writing short focus Grammar 5/6 MD Cats writing short focus
Lesson 1 – Present and Past Tense and verb time Verbs are used to tell whether things are happening in the past, present or future. Auxiliary verbs (eg. is, are) are there to tell us whether one or more than one thing is doing something.
Short Activity
Lesson 2 – Full stops, question and exclamation marks. Full stops are used at the end of a sentence that is a statement or command. Full stops can be used after initials and abbreviations. Question Marks are used to end a question. Exclamation marks are used to end an expression of happiness, shock or dismay. Examples: Hurray! Oh no! Wow! They can also be used after short exclamatory sentences, which express strong feeling. Examples: Good luck to you! What a surprise! You poor thing!
Short Activity
Lesson 3 – Statements Is a sentence which tells a fact. Statements end with a full stop. Some can ask questions or ask exclamations.
Short Activity