Warm - Up 1) What is the speed of light? 2) Write the electromagnetic spectrum from lowest frequency to greatest frequency? 3) Is light a wave or a particle?
Goals Become a one day expert in one type of EM radiation
EM Waves research What are some uses for the type of wave you are assigned What speed does the radiation travel through air? What is the wavelength range or your wave? Frequency range? How is this type of radiation created?
Group Consensus
Flux Rate at which light is emitted from a source (measured in lumens [lm]) Illuminance – illumination of a surface (lm/m2 = lux)
Illumination Inverse square relationship Double the distance from a light source, and you decrease by ¼ the illumination
Particle nature of light The wave model of light fails when we shine light on zinc, which causes a release of photoelectrons. Increasing the intensity of the light does not always cause more electrons to be released, Emission depends on frequency (color)
Photo electric effect Einstein thought light could be quantized Called light quanta: photons Photon energy depends on the frequency of the photon E = h * f h = Planck’s Constant = 6.6 x 10-34 J s F = frequency
Cool Down What type of wave did you work on? What are three things you can tell me about that type of radiation?