Session- Manufacturing in Detroit Question to consider: How can Detroit rebuild & revitalize its manufacturing industry?
Preamble- Advertising Analysis We are going to start by looking at different types of advertising from the “Big Three” in the peak of the automotive industry 1950s-1960s For every ad, do the following: 1. What is the company trying to “sell”? Theme? Lifestyle? 2. What is the logos, pathos, and ethos present? 3. What can you identify about the car and the industry itself from these ads?
Ad # 1- GMC
Ad #2- GMC
Ad #3 Ford Caption reads: “ If you haven’t got a past yet, get a Mustang Now.”
Ad #4 Chrysler
21 Century Ads-Chrysler In these next two ads, we turn to Chrysler- in 2012 they release 2 tv commercials during the halftime at the Super Bowl that drew a lot of attention: Follow the same questions as before: 1. What is the company trying to “sell”? Theme? Lifestyle? 2. What is the logos, pathos, and ethos present? 3. What can you identify about the car and the industry itself from these ads? Chrysler Ad-Clint Eastwood Chrysler Ad- Eminem Turn to partner and discuss what you have observed about all these ads Bringing ideas and analysis out to the floor
Motor City: The Story of Detroit Let’s now take a step back and put the manufacturing history of Detroit in better context Take out the reading for today’s session As you read, keep track of the following questions: 1. How has the development of manufacturing in Detroit helped to shape the city? 2. What are the most important details outlined in the reading regarding the decline of manufacturing for Detroit? Bringing ideas and analysis out to the floor…
The American Dream Gone Wrong-Video Analysis You will now watch a 20 min video with an emphasis on GMC and the issues that this company has had and the impact on the people of Detroit For this I’d like for you to watch for Further evidence of the mismanagement Corruption The importance of the automotive industry The Big Three Auto Bailout The American Dream Gone Wrong What Happened to the American Labor Union?
Shinola- The Future of Detroit? We have looked at the present & the past of Detroit manufacturing. What does the future of Detroit look like? Shinola is a new company that is trying to rebuild and revitalize Detroit’s manufacturing As you watch these last set of videos: 1. What is Shinola doing that is innovative and potentially changing the game in manufacturing? 2. Does this mean that Detroit manufacturing can come back? Is there anything still missing? Tour of Shinola Detroit a Luxury Brand Bringing ideas and analysis out to the floor…
Reflection/Debrief To finish the session today- let’s do some writing to help put the “pieces” of the puzzle together Questions to consider: 1. Summarize the role and significance of manufacturing in Detroit 2. What are your thoughts on companies like Shinola, are they in fact the future of Detroit?