Chapter 26 America moves to city Reason for growth of cities Louis Sullivan Transportation: trolleys City Neighborhoods: race, ethnicity, social class Department stores Mail order catalogues Apartments Design of cities Dumbbell tenements
New immigrants Change of who is coming to U.S. in 1880’s Why do they come to America? Little Italy, social clubs
Reactions to the new immigrants Boss Tweed Jane Adams (Hull House) settlement house Women’s role in movement Opportunities for women Nativism, American protective Association Law (1882) restricted criminals 1882: Chinese exclusion act
Church reaction to cities YMCA, YWCA Darwin and the church
Education Public education Chautauqua movement Private parochial schools Education for Blacks Booker T. Washington Education and economic equality WEB Dubois, NAACP New colleges: Stanford, Cornell, Vasser Medicine Growth of newspapers
Other stuff Mark Twain and other authors Prohibition of alcohol Ida B. Wells Carrie Chapman Catt Carrie Nation Clara Barton Baseball, basketball, annie oakley, Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show, football, Boxing