The Things They Carried: Socratic Seminar I can participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with my peers. I can make connections between texts and other texts, my own experience, and current events. The Things They Carried: Socratic Seminar
Agenda Review of Socratic Seminar Rules and Expectations Socratic Rhetorical Analysis HW: Read “The Dentist” and “The Sweetheart of Song Tra Bong” Agenda
Socratic Expectations: Speak at least twice MEANINGFULLY Use textual references to support your claims—reference page numbers so people can follow your arguments/analysis Use people’s names to respond If you agree or disagree, you must add something to the argument you’re agreeing or disagreeing with. Track the speaker. Your eyes should follow the conversation (NO PHONES!)
Developing: may comment once meaningfully or twice basically. Formative Rubric SL.1 I can initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on a range of 9-10 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. I/M 1 2 2.5 3 4 Incomplete Did not participate Attempted but comments are not meaningful. They do not advance conversation. Developing: may comment once meaningfully or twice basically. Competent: comments twice with room for a little more clarification or elaboration Proficient: comments twice meaningfully, offering insight and advancing discussion Exemplary: comments more than twice meaningfully and insightfully, advancing the conversation.
Rhetorical Analysis Write a TIMED Rhetorical Analysis essay. Outline the essay Write the Intro Outline Body Paragraphs Choose 1 body to develop into a full paragraph Outline Conclusion You can use your analysis handout for “How to Tell a True War Story” to help you. This will help you remediate your Rhetorical Analysis essay from Unit 4.
Homework Read the next section of the book: “The Dentist” and “Sweetheart of Song Tra Bong”