Entrance Ticket Prepare some comments/questions you would like to share in today’s Socratic Seminar EQ: Is college worth it for everybody?
Agenda Review Socratic Seminar Format Socratic Seminar Self-Evaluation
What is a Socratic seminar? A discussion/dialogue which is: Question-driven Collaborative Text-based (usually) Structured Facilitated
What are the benefits of the outer circle/inner circle structure? Can reduce seminar participants by one-half Provides a system for peer feedback of seminar Focuses attention on seminar processes and behaviors Gives students a different perspective on discussion
Schedule (40 minutes) Seminar #1 -- 8 minutes Feedback -- 2 minutes Self-Assessment -- 4 minutes
How are students graded? Behaviors during the seminar Number of comments Quality of comments References to the text Building on comments of others Asking questions of others
Opening questions Are there any terms which we need to define? What do you think is the most important sentence in the sections read? Is there a question you have about the sections? What does the title of the book mean? How does this reading relate to what we did yesterday (or last week, etc.)?