Primary Colors Red, Yellow, and Blue Can not be made by mixing other colors CAN be used to make other colors
Secondary Colors Purple, Orange, Green Are made by mixing 2 neighboring primary colors Red +Blue= Purple
Tertiary Colors Blue-green, red-violet, blue-violet, yellow-green, yellow-orange, red-orange Produced by mixing a neighboring secondary and primary color.
Analogus Colors Sets of 3 neighboring colors that are analogus, or “harmonious” together
Complementary Colors Colors directly across from each other on the color wheel As a rule, these colors will always compliment, or go well, together.
Warm and Cool Colors Can change the mood of your artwork Warm colors are reds, oranges, yellows Cool colors are purples, blues, greens
Tints and Shades Tint: Adding white to a color, makes it brighter/lighter (the middle of this circle) Shade: Adding black to a color, makes it darker/muddier (the outer edge of this circle.
Properties of Color Hue: The actual color (ex: red) Intensity: The brightness or dullness (grayness) of a color.
Emotional Properties of Color Red: evil, danger. Very dynamic in a design Blue: calm, soothing, tranquil, sadness/depression. Yellow: cheery, warmth, light. White: purity, truth, innocence, light Purple: royalty, wealth Green: Life, hope Black: bad luck, mournful, stark, dramatic