AGT 関係式(1) Gaiotto の議論 (String Advanced Lectures No.18)


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Presentation transcript:

AGT 関係式(1) Gaiotto の議論 (String Advanced Lectures No.18) 高エネルギー加速器研究機構(KEK) 素粒子原子核研究所(IPNS) 柴 正太郎 2010年6月2日(水) 12:30-14:30

Contents 1. Seiberg-Witten curve 2. SU(2) generalized quivers 3. SU(3) generalized quivers 4. SU(N) generalized quivers 5. Towards AGT relation

Seiberg-Witten curve 4-dim N=2 SU(2) supersymmetric gauge theory Low energy effective action (by Wilson’s renormalization : integration out of massive fields) prepotential potential for scalar field : energy scale classical 1-loop instanton : Higgs potential (which breaks gauge symmetry) This breakdown is parametrized by

Singular points of prepotential, Seiberg-Witten curve and S-duality The singular points of prepotential on u-plane By studying the monodromy of and , we can find that the prepotential has singular points. This can be described as These singular points means the emergence of new massless fields. This means that the prepotential must become a different form near a different singular point. ( S-duality) M-theory interpretation : singular points are intersection points of M5-branes. : Seiberg-Witten curve in [Witten ’97] u (VEV) : shift of color brane mass : shift of flavor brane coupling

SU(2) generalized quivers SU(2) gauge theory with 4 fundamental flavors (hypermultiplets) This theory is conformal. flavor symmetry SO(8) : pseudoreal representation of SU(2) gauge group S-duality group SL(2,Z) coupling const. : flavor : SO(8) ⊃ SO(4)×SO(4) ~ [SU(2)a×SU(2)b]×[SU(2)c×SU(2)d] : (elementary) quark : monopole : dyon

SU(2) gauge theory with massive fundamental hypermultiplets In the following, we consider, in particular, subgroup of S-duality without permutation of masses mass : VEV of vector multiplet (adjoint) scalar Then, there are three possible degeneration (i.e. weak coupling) limits of a sphere with four punctures (i.e. fundamentals).

SU(2)1×SU(2)2 gauge theory with fundamental and bifundamental flavors When each gauge group is coupled to 4 flavors, this theory is conformal. flavor symmetry ⊃ [SU(2)a×SU(2)b]×SU(2)e×[SU(2)c×SU(2)d] flavor sym. of bifundamental hyper. : Sp(1) ~ SU(2) i.e. real representation S-duality subgroup without permutation of masses When the gauge coupling of SU(2)2 vanishes or is very weak, we can discuss it in the same way as before for SU(2)1. The similar discussion goes for (1 2). That is, this subgroup consists of the permutation of five SU(2)’s. cf. Note that two SL(2,Z) full S-duality groups do not commute! Here, we analyze only the boundary of the gauge coupling moduli space.

SU(2)1×SU(2)2×SU(2)3 gauge theory with fund. and bifund. flavors (The similar discussion goes.) ■, ■ : weak : interchange

For more generalized SU(2) quivers : more gauge groups, loops… turn on/off a gauge coupling

Seiberg-Witten curve for quiver SU(2) gauge theories massless SU(2) case In this case, the Seiberg-Witten curve is of the form If we change the variable as , this becomes massless SU(2) n case or mass deformation The number of mass parameters is n+3, because of the freedom . VEV coupling where are the solutions of polynomial of z of (n-1)-th order divergent at punctures

SU(3) generalized quivers SU(3) gauge theory with 6 fundamental flavors (hypermultiplets) This theory is also conformal. flavor symmetry U(6) : complex rep. of SU(3) gauge group kind of S-duality group : Argyres-Seiberg duality [Argyres-Seiberg ’07] coupling const. : flavor : U(6) ⊃ [SU(3)×U(1)]×[SU(3)×U(1)] : weak coupling U(6) ⊃ SU(6)×U(1) ~ [SU(3)×SU(3)×U(1)]×U(1) SU(6)×SU(2) ⊂ E6 : infinite coupling of SU(3) theory Moreover, weakly coupled gauge group becomes SU(2) instead of SU(3) ! breakdown by VEV

Argyres-Seiberg duality for SU(3) gauge theory infinite coupling

SU(3)1×SU(3)2 gauge theory with fundamental and bifundamental flavors flavor symmetry of bifundamental Argyres-Seiberg duality

For more generalized SU(3) quivers : more gauge groups, loops… turn on/off a gauge coupling

Seiberg-Witten curve for SU(3) quiver gauge theories massless SU(3) n case massless SU(2)×SU(3) n-2×SU(2) case mass deformation massless : massive : The number of mass parameters is n+3, because of the freedom . In both cases, SW curve can be rewritten as ( ), but the order of divergence of is different from each other.

SU(N) generalized quivers Seiberg-Witten curve for massless SU(N) quiver gauge theories Seiberg-Witten curve in this case is of the form The variety of quiver gauge group where is reflected in the various order of divergence of   at punctures. For example…

Classification of punctures : divergence of massless SW curve at punctures SU(2) quiver case order of divergence : mass parameters : flavor symmetry : SU(2) SU(3) quiver case flavor symmetry : U(1) SU(3)

Classification of punctures : divergence of massless SW curve at punctures SU(3) quiver case corresponding puncture : SU(4) quiver case (and the natural analogy is valid for general SU(N) case)

Sorry, I write this on whiteboard… Seiberg-Witten curve for linear SU(N) quiver gauge theories quiver gauge group (as a quite general case) Seiberg-Witten curve (type of each puncture) Seiberg-Witten curve in a massive case (concrete form of equation) where , which corresponds the Young tableau at z=∞. Sorry, I write this on whiteboard…

Towards AGT relation AGT relation reveals the relation of 4-dim theory and SW curve concretely… 4-dim linear SU(2) quiver gauge theory : We can calculate the partition functions by Nekrasov’s formula. 2-dim conformal field theory on Seiberg-Witten curve : We calculate the correlation functions with vertex operators at punctures. AGT relation : Both functions correspond to each other. to be continued…