Does not mean every page should have same layout Same style and layout Easier to navigate Easier to locate information
Repeat some aspect of design throughout the entire piece Element designs can be Fonts Backgrounds Thick rules Certain bullets Colors Navigation
Make a conscious effort to unify all parts Repetition adds visual interest & connection Inconsistency looks like a bunch of different sites
Avoid repeating so much that the element becomes annoying or overwhelming
Degree of difference in the objects on page
For contrast to be effective, it must be strong. Don’t be a wimp. If two elements are sort of different, they won’t create contrast—they create conflict.
If two items are not exactly the same, make them very different Elements—large with small type, graceful font with bold font, cool color with warm color, thin line with thick line.
Text must contrast against background of document Crucial element! Text must contrast against background of document (REVERSE TEXT)
Text is displayed by fonts available on the USER’S computer All the browsers don’t support fonts in the same way Stay with standard fonts like Verdana, Arial and Helvetica
Fonts must be readable Use black – colored for headings if you want to use colored font
Arrange elements so no one part or section is overpowering Think balance beam
Place text and images in various sections Pictures heavier than text – alternate alignment Well balanced page is more appealing to eye & professional